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Friday, 9 March 2012

Feeling Great

So before I took on this healthy way of being I used to wake up hungover and guilty.  Guilty because I wasn't being responsible for my health, guilty because I had drunk too much and eaten rubbish the night before and most of all guilty because my life was a paradox - all day long being the health professional and coming home and doing the opposite.

Well these days I wake up fresh and feeling rested and full of energy.  I wake up excited about going running and I actually really look forward to my workouts.

The best part is that my life is free from guilt and I really like who I see in the mirror these days.

This mornings run was the longest and the hardest I have done so far and I did it without walking.  It hurt like hell but I felt soooo good afterwards and have been on a high all day long.


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