One of the simplest ways of achieving your weight loss goals. But definitely easier said than done!
Consider your body is a car. You would love to fill it up with premium 98 octane fuel yes? But hey, E10 is so much cheaper!

(It won't cause your car to catch fire like in the photo!)
E10 is junk food. Cheaper, has enough in it to give you energy to get around, but very quickly leaves you hungry again.
Premium octane organic whole foods.
You should keep your body fuelled by eating 5-6 meals per day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, and small snacks in-between.
Serving sizes are most important! For your main meals:
And don't just get a bigger plate! Your serving of protein should match the size of your palm. Then fill the rest of your plate with fresh fruits and/or vegetables. And only a small serving of starchy carbohydrates.
For your snacks, you can useyour three fingers:
That's how large your snack will be. A three-fingers-full bag of almonds. Three carrot sticks with nut butter. A three fingered scoop of natural yoghurt!
Which brings me to my next point. Fat-free, sugar-free.
Usually when the packet says fat-free, they add extra sugar. If it says sugar-free, they flavour it with fat. Don't get sucked in.
And my rule is, don't rule out the fun stuff! Cakes and lollies and chips mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Just don't let it rule you