I am Doug a chiropractor challenging myself with my health and fitness.
To anyone who would like to be healthy, get fit and have fun at the same time, come along and join me! Follow my blog to see how I'm going, my struggles and my breakthroughs!
I am sitting in the Emergency department of Ryde Hospital with an incredibly painful infected foot. I can’t walk, I feel like death and I know that soon I will be on high doses of anti-biotics to fight the infection that could have been prevented in the first place. I ask myself the question “Is this the way a health professional should be?”
To anyone who would like to be healthy, get fit and have fun at the same time, come along and join me! Follow my blog to see how I'm going, my struggles and my breakthroughs!

This was me in a nutshell… I had spent the last 12+ years of my life working really hard to get successful in my business. I did this without looking after my own health. Crazy hours, working weekends, eating at irregular times and lots of junk food, not exercising, relaxing or meditating and drinking to handle the stress. Not much of an example I was leading in my life.
So I decided enough was enough.

Rewind 13 years and I was a fat (140kg), unhealthy 21 year old smoker & drinker who was moving to Sydney to study chiropractic. Thankfully due to changes in lifestyle, eating habits and some exercise my weight eventually stabilized at a reasonable 100kgs.
It has been a long journey getting to where I am now in respect to my health. But the really important part of the journey is now finally happening. It is time for me to fully reclaim my health and that is where the motivation for “Ryde of Your Life” comes from. I have decided that I am going to be a leader in helping the people of Ryde transform their health through taking responsibility for themselves. Health is not merely the absence of disease. It is the state of optimum function physically, emotionally, spiritually and nutritionally.
The infection I had in my foot was due to myself letting my immune system get run down through lack of sleep, improper nutrition, emotional concerns, excessive alcohol and lack of boundaries in my life.
So I have been implementing a series of lifestyle changes to restore the balance.
I have set myself the challenge of 2012 being an alcohol free year for me..... so far so good! It really hasn't been that hard and I feel great for it. I used to drink more than was good for me.
As part of this process I have registered to take part in the Tough Mudder event in September as a goal / motivation to get as fit as possible. Now as far as I am concerned going to the gym or running is really boring, but throwing a footy in front of me or running with mates is FUN! So I have scheduled a series of fun activities that involve exercise for my friends and I to participate in as training for the event. Around this I am doing my own exercise regime to improve my fitness. I play squash on a weekly basis, teach fit-ball classes in my clinic and am running at least 3 times per week.
I have set myself the challenge of 2012 being an alcohol free year for me..... so far so good! It really hasn't been that hard and I feel great for it. I used to drink more than was good for me.

I watched Joe Cross’ documentary “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” and I was really inspired by the simple message regarding the state of our nutritional habits these days. As a result of this I started a 10 day juice fast and at the end of it I felt amazing and had dropped 6 kg's!! I started back on real food and felt heavy, lethargic and not long after started back on the juice on a regular basis because it made me feel so healthy.
I have started performing Chi-Gong exercises and meditating on a regular basis and have been doing work with Landmark education to optimise my emotional and energy states
Now I have completed 2 Tough Mudders, 3 Half marathons and am in training for the full distance Gold Coast Marathon in July. I currently weigh 87kg's and feel fantastic, come along for the ride with me.
Doug's Goals:
Run 42klms without stopping or dying
Perform 20 chin ups
Perform 50 push ups without stopping
Six pack
25 rotation jack knifes on fit ball
Have a team of 50 people finish Tough Mudder
Check out this guy's transformation!
I have started performing Chi-Gong exercises and meditating on a regular basis and have been doing work with Landmark education to optimise my emotional and energy states
Now I have completed 2 Tough Mudders, 3 Half marathons and am in training for the full distance Gold Coast Marathon in July. I currently weigh 87kg's and feel fantastic, come along for the ride with me.
Doug's Goals:
Run 42klms without stopping or dying
Perform 20 chin ups
Perform 50 push ups without stopping
Six pack
25 rotation jack knifes on fit ball
Have a team of 50 people finish Tough Mudder
Check out this guy's transformation!