About Us

Personal Training

Awesome value training options available in Ryde, Burwood and Westmead.

Ryde of your life's training partner is EFM Health Clubs and they are offerring special Mudder fit packages for our members.  $30 per week stand alone or included as part of the complete training package.

Unlimited use of the facilities, personalised training and supervision.  guaranteed results.

To see more about the Health Club

DISCIPLINE is remembering what you WANT

I like to adopt this plan for maximum results:

Monday: Strength
Tuesday: Cardio
Wednesday: Strength
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Strength

Saturday: Fun exercise - a team activity like a sport, paintball, rock climbing, even playing with your kids!!
Sunday: Rest

Depending on your lifestyle, work commitments, priorities, that schedule may differ. But the main points to note are that you don't do the same type of training on consecutive days, eg Strength on Monday and Tuesday. If you were to ever do something silly like that, at LEAST do an upper body strength workout on Monday, and a lower body strength workout on Tuesday!

Don't worry, you're bound to find times where you don't feel like training, or you find a setback in your schedule. Maybe you're caught up at work and run out of time to do that certain training session. It happens!

"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm"

It will be difficult in the beginning. Take things slow. Perhaps begin with:

Monday: Strength
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Cardio
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Strength
Saturday: Fun Cardio
Sunday: Rest

Either way, "The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender"