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Friday 9 March 2012

Feeling Great

So before I took on this healthy way of being I used to wake up hungover and guilty.  Guilty because I wasn't being responsible for my health, guilty because I had drunk too much and eaten rubbish the night before and most of all guilty because my life was a paradox - all day long being the health professional and coming home and doing the opposite.

Well these days I wake up fresh and feeling rested and full of energy.  I wake up excited about going running and I actually really look forward to my workouts.

The best part is that my life is free from guilt and I really like who I see in the mirror these days.

This mornings run was the longest and the hardest I have done so far and I did it without walking.  It hurt like hell but I felt soooo good afterwards and have been on a high all day long.


Monday 5 March 2012

Fitball Exercises and Workout

Saturday afternoon 3rd March.  We had a long fitball workout.  The fitball (or Swiss ball) is a fantastic exercise tool because it is an unstable surface so you need to control your bodies movements as well as performing the exercise.  This means you work your muscles more controlling your joints than you would with regular exercise.

We did a range of exercises concentrating on core, legs, upper body and butt.  Had fun playing balance games and in the middle of the workout went for a run around the block.